Review – Tegami Bachi + Reverse

Posted On April 1, 2011

Filed under kame-chan, Reviews

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Plot Summary

Tegami Bachi: An orphan, Lag Seeing, is taken as a “letter” by a “Letter Bee” named Gauche Suede. While being delivered to the town where his aunt will raise him, Lag forms affection and admiration for Gauche, causing him to become a Letter Bee himself, making him travel across dangerous barren wasteland between towns in his world. On the path of becoming a Letter Bee as a teenager, he encounters a powerful girl-like creature, who he names Niche, and eventually allows her to become his “dingo”, a Letter Bee’s traveling companion. As time goes on, he tries to find out why his mother was taken from him… and why Gauche Suede went missing.

Reverse: Lag’s quest to bring Gauche Suede back continues, causing him to be attacked. Waking up in the Beehive, Lag finds out he lost track of Gauche again. Knowing this, he tries to become a stronger person and better Letter Bee in order to be ready to bring Gauche back the next time he encounters him. With the help of Niche, Lag vows to bring back him to bring happiness back to Aria, Gauche’s best friend, and Sylvette, Gauche’s sister.



Tegami Bachi: Nicely executed plot and very interesting story. The beginning gets you attached to two characters that the entire journey will be based off of and their close relationship. Sadly, there were quite a bit of fillers, but you know where the main plot starts and ends despite it ending with a cliffhanger.

Reverse: Much better feel to it than the first season. The fillers were cut-down and the main plot had more time to shine. Supporting characters also have their spotlight within all of the action without deteriorating from the main plot. Ending had a nice tie-it-all-together moment that really caught me as well. However, the original goal (finding Lag’s Mother) seemed to have changed since the first episode.


Tegami Bachi: The characters themselves were unique and interesting in their own right that was a nice part of the series. Some were because of their personalities. Others, because of their appearances. One, merely because of his name… Steak.

Reverse: The characters were the same as the first season with a few additional enemies thrown into the mix to harass the main character. Less crying from the main two crybabies this season and it felt like the supporting characters had more development than Lag himself this time.

*points at the white creature* Steak… Best… Name… EVER!

Production Value:

Tegami Bachi: Beautiful. Just simply beautiful. From the clothing on their backs, to the towns they live and go to, to the “Gaichuu” they have to go against, everything was simply beautiful. Though, out of all of the clothing, the most detailed would be the Tegami Bachi uniform with all of the shadows and shines in all areas. Also, even when the colors were deluded when looking at memories, it was very visually appealing.

Reverse: Just as beautiful as the first season. Though, with more battles, there’s more special effects and details on shindans and Gaichuu.

Review Summary

The Good – Great animation, awesome OP and ED, and making mailmen look awesome. (<3 Gauche Suede as well)

The Bad – Filler episodes, lack of resolve on the endings, and slight disappointment at the end battle.


Tegami Bachi – 8.0/10

Reverse – 8.5/10

Average – 8.25/10Definitely not an anime for everyone. The first few episodes of the first season, you’re hit with the realization that your main character is a crybaby and have to live through it the entire season. I’m not saying it’s completely bad and it can be counterbalanced by the feelings and actions done by the other characters. However, if you’re into an anime with a hopeful storyline, then this is definitely for you. Though, if you’re slightly interested, I say, take a sneak peak at the first 2 episodes at least.

2 Responses to “Review – Tegami Bachi + Reverse”

  1. Ingunn

    I just Wonder if its only 50 episodes because i enjoyed it a bit too much :p ❤

  2. kojima komiko riko

    hi this is a nice anime i really enjoy and love it hope to have more episode…..waiting…

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