Recent Animes of 2009 – Some Disappointments

partnership-formedThe one Jun Fukuyama character that I can recall who isn’t an arse.

First, an off topic statement: Anime Animals Polling will be post-poned until this blog becomes a bit more popular (if it gets popular). Didn’t have time to say that in a post because of school. Anyway~ after catching up on some anime, I can’t help but feel some disappointment. At times, I felt some anime was straying a bit, or there was too much detail in just one area. I’ll list why I was disappointed in some of these animes (will be spoilers).

1) 07-Ghost: Had sort of high hopes for this one. Animation quality was good and the main character had a decent relationship with everyone he meets. The random comedy areas were a nice touch at times, too. However, I was mostly shut down by how long Teito took to finally stop being, basically emo. He understood something then questioned something else. Every episode, he was upset about something. I kind of wished that there was a bit more detail with the fight with Ayanami (second one). Though, I know most people wouldn’t want it to run too long. I guess it was good enough since it basically helped lead the anime to the second season.

2) Shangri-La: I don’t know what I could say about this one. So many characters as well as so many events happening at once. It was probably just me who was shut off by Ryoko, let alone some other characters. What weirded me out the most was the huge boomerang in the last episode. If you’re going to give the main character an epically huge weapon, at least give her an epically “decent” battle that doesn’t last for half the episode. Though, it definitely reminded me of a Final Fantasy Boss Battle.

3) Aoi Hana: I don’t know what I was expecting out of this. Maybe one of them to hook up with someone. It didn’t feel like an ending to me. I guess it strengthened their old friendship and showed Fumi’s side of life. Oh well, just another anime ending I didn’t expect.

4) Spice and Wolf II: Another ending that isn’t much of an ending. Just a lead on to a new season. At least we finally got to hear the well deserved “Daisuki” from Jun Fukuyama. I’m going to watch the third season when it comes out anyway =D

5) Valkyria Chronicles: Not exactly a disappointment, but the Prince reminds me way too much of Lelouch. Jun Fukuyama, why must you be a jerk and merchant!?

6) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Season 2: All I need to say is: Endless Eight.

As of now, that’s all I’ve caught up on. Expect to hear something about NYAF this weekend~

One Response to “Recent Animes of 2009 – Some Disappointments”

  1. helios2k6

    Haha, I will have to agree with you on Haruhi’s dreadful Endless Eight and 07 Ghost.

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